Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Christmas in July, every year, more riches to come: Christmas on the waters.

Angels to start, always goodness and mercy, back to back, here to protect. Abraham, another angel to talk about, in this moment in time. First patriarch of Israel,  and angels, history to note, teacher or student? Back in the day, 1996 great year to start life, rats born, rats racing. Songs and cartoons, rats racing to the end. Races over and done, good times.  Year of the rat, best year in twekve, my point of view.  The only one written. Christmas in July, every year, more riches to come: Christmas on the waters.Advice from a shark: Take a bite out of life. Stay active, keep moving forward, have a healthy appetite. Fin. For fiercely. Stay sharp!

Christmas in July, every year, more riches to come, gifts to share, tales of lovers to spin. Hopes and love, peace and happiness, ways to see the world, making waves, rocking the boats, singing songs. Christmas on the waters, Christmas on the land, Christmas and lights to seas. Red and white, colors on, red and white, bags of presents, so many Santa to see. Peace and love, love and hate, horns on goats, sheep in fields, good times. Happy feet, dances on sands of time, joy to the world.

Christmas in July, every year, more riches to come: Christmas on the waters.Fairy tales to share, in the bible also, stories around the fires. Jumps for joy, singing sings, hopes and fires burning, homes for veterans needed. Fires in new homes needed, homeless veterans, 22 dead daily, help needed for houses to stop. Joys and heat, fires burning with hope alive, happy notes and prayers in air. 

Good times, happy notes, blue birds singing songs, great day on the right side of the road. Thanks to stars above in the sky, wishes, dreams, prayers in motion, tips and tales to share. BUCK Howard, man and the movie, wait to spent, the end of the day. Good notes, bumps in the world, peace on earth. Christmas in July, every year, more riches to come: Christmas on the waters.Joy and pains, dances in the dark, dances in the rain, happy dazes again, glory days done, trips to the heaven, trips to hell and back, classes on love and hate, joys and pains. 

Thanks for joys and pains, life in the hills and valleys, happy dazes again, glory days dine. Cat  in the sky, Lewis and Oliver, Angel Experts, Books To Sell. Not, the gods of war,  angels in high places. Time to take a stand: trips about men in sky, tips on life after death. Good Times, Sunny Dazes, Trips To Heaven And Back. Angels:A to Z: Book To Read, Turning Pages, Third eyes open, classes on the beach. Lewis and Oliver, authers, back in the day, 1996:

Angels to start, always goodness and mercy, back to back, here to protect. Abraham, another angel to talk about, in this moment in time. First patriarch of Israel,  and angels, history to note, teacher or student? Back in the day, 1996 great year to start life, rats born, rats racing. Songs and cartoons, rats racing to the end. Races over and done, good times.  Year of the rat, best year in twekve, my point of view.  The only one written. Christmas in July, every year, more riches to come: Christmas on the waters.Advice from a shark: Take a bite out of life. Stay active, keep moving forward, have a healthy appetite. Fin. For fiercely. Stay sharp!

Tin Men Turns :Christmas in July, every year, more riches to come: Christmas on the waters. Where are the others, the lion, the tiger and the bear? Where are the lion, the scarecrow, the dog, and the girl? Walks on the yellow brick road, watch out for the bumps in the road, watch out for the holes and the potholes on the road. Happy and delighted for another day above ground, happy and full of joy and peace for a new start, in a better place. Gifts of words to share daily, of the acts of kindness, the hand out to help the lose, the confused, and the displaced homeless veterans. Military Vets of America United Network (Discussion):Detours End:10 Amazing People Who Look Like Disney Princesses And Other Fictional Characters Dance Xcetera Cappricios mother was not a dancer for Prince, that's another rumour that his mother was Cat. He posted a pic of his Mother on his Facebook for Mothers Day her name is Evelyn supposedly. No disrespect but she's not an attractive woman at all, definitely not somebody Prince would hire.

Christmas in July, every year, more riches to come: Christmas on the waters.Great life for the dense, dumb, and dead, army of frogs, and land whales. Deeds and action of the sinners and the saints, to hurt or to harm, lessons to learn, once a snake always a snake. Mean and nasty, noses in airs, dogs and bitches in heat, hits and misses. Friends, family members, and foes, good time to stop and smell the air. Christmas in July, every year, more riches to come: Christmas on the waters.Clean clear air, over the waters, over the seas, over the mountains climb. Help for the homeless, help for the lost, help for the female veterans displaced. 

Hopes and Prayers Daily...Daily prayers and wishes for care and kindness for the lost, for the displaced, and cash rich veterans still lost and need help for the daily activities that desires a balance life to deal with the snakes, frogs, and fools that are the best at attacks of love and devotion that leave questions on the true facts and events that make us stronger.

Names, labels, and views not shared with the masses, searching for a way to stop the views that do not match the stories told inside the family, inside circle of friends, that know different parts of the story, and fingers point in and fingers point out to the blacks, Mexicans and the working classes. Labels tell the story of the nature of the beasts that are out and in play on the beaches, in the colleges of hard knocks, and in the schools for fools, frogs, and reptiles that are not attorneys, and the blame game is in full force.Christmas in July, every year, more riches to come: Christmas on the waters.

Ready for What?...Enough for the Charmed....Game Over......Snakes in the Grass

Not black, red blood on the skin, color of houses, same house. Party and play, tricks and trades, junk to sell. Jewish Rites, Jewish and white, Jewish freaks and frogs, thanks....middle of the film industry......It appears some mental issuers? Steven Jarrot, and kids, Charles R. Jarrot 7607778998, and porn star Rachellyn1010 Rachel Jarrot. 7608512267: Steve Muccillo, tip from hell, bitches in heat, snakes and frog tales. Dances in the dances in the rain, times of joys and pains. Hell hounds tricks and trades to share. Dances with land whales, steers and queers, monkeys to swingers, 420 and shacks of shit to trade for cum, date a freak on beach. 

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