Sunday, August 28, 2016

Sex Sells, Rats To Races, Joys And Pains, Horns To Blow. Birds In Dogwood Trees.

Walks in the park, walks on the beaches, walks of lives, tales of tigers, snakes, and bears. Tricks and trades, dances in the summer, songs to sing, dances on the water. Third eyes open, third party views, sisters of color, veterans lost and alone. Dates with snakes, dances with tigers, dances for lover, coins to flip.Love and honor, lucky in cards, sex to lovers, games to play, lights and darkness, tales to spin. Lots of luck, lots of love, lots of fun, lovers and haters, goats and sheep, dances on the sheets, lovers and hats to wear, good times to share, love and lights on again. Sex Sells, Rats To Races, Joys And Pains, Horns To Blow. Birds In Dogwood Trees.

Lovers And Haters, Hats To Horns, Horns To Halos
Fairy Tales, Home To Few, Angels And Sinners, Hats And Horns....Dates to set, walks in the park, places to call home, girls in red hoods, fairy tales, pictures of grown and progress, loves of time to create. Love the house, trees and monkeys, tales to share. Classes on love and luck, classes of chicks on the beaches, veterans are some of the best, standards to stand tall. Pages of luck, pages of love, pages of dates, pages of books to turn, dances and horses to runs. Dreams on beaches, dreams in motions, dreams in drama, dances on the sands of time.

Cows, cattle, frogs and snakes, meat on the table, burgers to go, pixies foods, games on the beach, balls in the air, tricks and dicks in lines.Sex Sells, Rats To Races, Joys And Pains, Horns To Blow. Birds In Dogwood Trees. Party and play cows, to bitches, butches with dicks, cows to cum home. Tricks and trades, shit in a bag, queers and steers, cows to roam. Home for the cow, home for fascism freaks. Cows and cattle, dicks out of the box, fags to date, fag hags in wigs, butches with dicks in a bag.

Lovers and haters, snakes in the grass, frogs to kiss, fish in the seas, lots of love to share. Sex Sells, Rats To Races, Joys And Pains, Horns To Blow. Birds In Dogwood Trees. Steven Jarrot's and his balls, balls to toss, dicks in hand, dicks in his mouth, cum to taste, nasty dogs, dicks to suck all the time. RV campers, tricks and trades, veterans to prey, searches daily, liars and cheaters, liver for hogs, pigs and cow, fatty steaks, beef and hogs, table treats. Classes on love and luck, classes of chicks on the beaches, veterans are some of the best, standards to stand tall. Pages of luck, pages of love, pages of dates, pages of books to turn, dances and horses to runs.

Dreams on beaches, dreams in motions, dreams in drama, dances on the sands of time. Time alone, views and noses, birds and bees, babes on the beach, dazes and stone, lovers gone, dates with horses to run. Rats to races, dances for dollars, horse and pony shows, love and luck, cards to flip, good times. Beaches for fun, games on the sands, balls in the air, glory dazes done, monkeys and frogs to dodge. Dates with butches, dates with cheap tricks.Long Beach, CA. dances with dykes. Uritza Smith, one to have fun.

Games with kids, games with goats, games with butches, with a bag of dicks. Numbers up, dicks and dogs, bitches in heat, shit to trade, party and play. Chicks And Pups, Games And Dances, Dinner Lessons, Glory Dazes Set. Love And Heat, Sex Sells, Rats To Races, Joys And Pains, Horns To Blow.Sex Sells, Rats To Races, Joys And Pains, Horns To Blow. Birds In Dogwood Trees. Smith, Dancer to hire, dances for dollars, faces of dogs, faces of snakes and frogs, rats to races, dates to set, party and play, good times to share. Blue Skies, Blue Winds, Horns And Freaks, Ships Of freaks and frogs...

Stars Of Lights, Stars Of David, Stars On Sinners,...
Devils And Angels, Davies Chases, Stars And Nines,...
Dares And Devils, Good And Evil, Coins 2 Toss, Car...
Battles Of Wits, Battles Or Wars, March Mars, Gods...
Thieves, Devils, Goats and Sheep, Words To Work.
Eyes Open, Tiger In Snow, Ways To Grow, Winter Shots. Steven Jay Jarrot-760 851 2267- Rachel and Sheri fucks, family, friends and foes, for the cash needed to live , cheap tricks, junk to sell, Jewish Wales: Movie made. Lovers and hater, goats and sheep, horns of love and hate, horns to sounds. Sex Sells, Rats To Races, Joys And Pains, Horns To Blow. Birds In Dogwood Trees. Lovers And Haters, Hats To Horns, Horns To Halos Sells, Rats To Races, Joys And Pains, Horns To Blow. Birds In Dogwood Trees.Sex Sells, Rats To Races, Joys And Pains, Horns To Blow. Birds In Dogwood Trees. Butch to direct home movies, porn stars, nibbles to eat, fresh dick suckers, .... Rachel Jarrot, Rach Jay, Rachel Wigsout, Rachel with wigs on, trips to the Sexy? Share with a friend! ;-) - - -hand job clips oriental blowjobs asian cutie action horny teen stockings Online dating texas Persian male views on dating plump black teen gay anal sex movie clips sexy young girl beach oily blonde milf shiny pantyhose busty chix college brunette pussy hand job perfect fantasy blowjob in street

.alan guthrie...Uritza 333 Smith, Dancer to hire, dances for dollars, faces of dogs, faces of snakes and frogs, rats to races, dates to set, party and play, good times to share. Blue Skies, Blue Winds, Horns And Freaks,.Where's that number so maybe I can talk to my son...I sure wish I could find an talk to my son. It's been 6 years since uritza Santiago smith took him an ran to Cali claiming she didn't know where I was...lying ass. She knew i was in North Carolina...she just left here. She got caught in a lie to the courts now she's on the run with missed court dates an from what I've been told she is still on that shit! 
Lovers And Haters, Hats To Horns, Horns To Halos

Lovers And Haters, Hats To Horns, Horns To Halos
Lovers And Haters, Hats To Horns, Horns To Halos

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